Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ancient China

       Han Dynasy began when the Qin Dynasty was over thrown.Han Dynasty was ruled by a man ,Liu Bang.
Liu Bang was known to be cruel but very efficent.Han was a civilization.It included government, food supply,art, religion,technology,social structure, and writing.All of witch worked perfectly for Han.So what was Han really like?Guess we'll find out.
       Government in Han Dynasty made a big improvement when Qin Dynasty was overthrown and Emperor Liu Bang took his place.Han Dynasty had a Bureacracy Government. A Bueacracy Government is structured like a pyramid with few people at the top and many at the bottom.Unlike most dynastys the Han officials were chosen basedon their ability and knowledge.To become an official young men had to pass a long difficult civil service exam.Taking this test will prove yourself as a highly skilled, intellegent man.Being a Han Government Official wasnt easy,but when it comes to high living it was worth it!
       Ancient China had a variety of food supply. There first major production was wheat.From wheat the Chinese expanded to larger supply.Some other things grown were, cucumber,onions,garlic,cabbage,soybeans,bamboo,sprouts,turnips,yams,peaches,pears,apples,apricots,
lemons,and various nuts. Pork was the most common meat in Ancient China. Aside from pork seafood was very common also. China still makes most of the delicouse foods listed above to this day!
        Art in Han Dynasty was amazing! When a new religion Buddhism got started in India, and the chinese fount out about it, they also discovered Buddhism art. They were not ignorant to the fact that they did exeptanaly well at it.Han Dynasty artist did make a lot of very lively small clay figures, both people and animals.You could see in their art how much they adored, and still do, mother nature.The chinese also invented paper, but sometimes still use silk to write on.
          Religion in Ancient Chinawas very important, people worshipped many different goods. A well known god was Shang-Ti. Shang-Ti was believed to rule all othere gods.The Chinese also believed that when parents and grandparents died they became gods.Each family would worship their own ancestors. By 1100 B.C people started to also worship t'ien wich is translated to heaven. Most of these things have not changed, and these beliefs stand to this day.
           Technology in Ancient China was very advanced. The Chinese invented the very steel and wrough iron we use today. Both were made by use of the finery forge and puddling process. They also used derricks to lift brine up to the surface to be boiled into salt. Am I the only one who wanderd hot to make salt? Chinese set up bamboo-crafte pipeline transport systems wich brought natural gas as fuel to the furnaces.Who would have guessed the effect Ancient Chinas technology would have on us today?
          Ancient Chinas Social Structure was very useful even for use of today. China had many different classes. These classes consist of rulers,nobles,farmers,craftspeople, and slaves. Rulers were the emperor, and leaders. Nobles were after rulers and fought in Emperors army. They provided weapons,foot soldiers,and chariots. Farmers were largest class,they grew food and only kept enough for themselfs and family. Crafts people were smallest class and below nobles but above farmers. They made and sold goods such as art. Slaves were lowest class, and worked for rulers or other people who had a lot of money. Sometimes they worked in factorys. Im sure every one would have loved to be a ruler back then!
          Chinese hand writing is very different then ours. Modern day chinese hand writing started in Han Dynasty. To this day, Chinese stillrefer to their characters as "han-zi". Han characters are known as an echo of remote glory. The Han people also wrote in Calligraphy. Calligraphy is what they used in art, for fine handwriting. I would love to learn to write in Calligraphy.
           So you see Han Dynasty was civilization as I said befor. Though Han Dynasty may be extra ordinary it did come in handy. With things such as technology, and food supply being invented, it has helped us out oh so much. I would have to say I dont think I would want to live in Han Dynasty. Though there technology was advanced, it wasnt as advance as today. What would I do without my cell phone, and computer?!? I have to thank Ancient China for there hard work! What would we do without you?
                                                                                 Alea Marie

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