Monday, April 11, 2011


 Im running through the green wilderness
The slick leaves slap against my skin
The frightning branches claw at my face
I dont know my destination
I have this horrid feeling I'm beeing followd
Not by someone but something
Not a small somthing but a big something
It does not seek to spare my life
Horrible things come to mind when it thinks of me
Only if i could figure out what that something is
I was so cought up in my thoughts i didnt relize i had fallen
Laying on the cold, damp earth I feel a reched pain zig-zag up my leg
Now of all times i decide to brake my leg!
Anger fumes up inside me as I think of the things this monster will do
As the anger dies down it turns to sorrow and spair
Will I be missed?
I doubt it
I'v never been the kinda person people notice
But now im noticed by this huge thing staring right at me
It like nothing I'v ever seen before
Head coked to the side it lunges torward me
I close my eyes as my life comes to an end

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